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Articles can also be viewed on Google Scholar, and data and code are available on Github.




  • Noble D. W. A, Xirocostas Z. A., Wu N. C., … Nakagawa S. & Lagisz M. (2024) The promise of community-driven preprints in ecology and evolution. EcoEvoRxiv, [Link]​​​


  • Pottier P., Kearney M. R., Wu N C., Gunderson A. R., Rej J. E., Rivera-Villanueva A. N., Pollo, P., Burke S., Drobniak S. M., & Nakagawa S. (2024) Vulnerability of amphibians to global warming. EcoEvoRxiv, [Link]


  • Leiva F. P., Barneche D., Blackburn T., Castañeda L., Chown S., Gaitán-Espitia J. D., Gebauer P., Gomez Isaza D. F., Hardy I. C. W., Hermaniuk A., Hirst A., Jorissen S., Keasar T., Koene J., Le Lann C., Molinet C., Niklitschek E. J., Oliveira B., Orizaola G., Pilakouta N., Shameer K. S., Shokri M., Stoks R., Tougeron K., Tuni C., van de Pol I. L. E., van Dis N. E., Visser B., Vogels J., White C. R., Wu N. C., Berg M. P., Ellers J., Verberk W. C. E. P. (2023) ShareTrait: a data portal for making trait data interoperable and reusable. Zenodo, [Link].


  • Kong J. D., & Wu N. C. (2023) Can we improve our ability to interpret ectotherm thermal tolerance? bioRxiv[Link]



  • Wu N. C., Bovo, R. P., Enriquez-Urzelai U., Clusella-Trullas S., Kearney, M. R., Navas C. A., & Kong J. D. (Accepted) Global exposure risk of frogs to increasing environmental dryness. Nature Climate Change, [Link]


  • Wu N. C., Welbergen J. A., Villada-Cadavid T., Lumsden L. F., & Turbill C. (Accepted) Vulnerability of Southern Hemisphere bats to white-nose syndrome based on global analysis of fungal host specificity and cave temperatures. Conservation Biology, e14390 [Link]


  • Wu N. C., Alton L. A., Bovo R. P., Carey N., Currie S. E., Lighton J. B., McKechnie A. E., Pottier P., Rossi G., White C. R., Levesque D. (2024) Reporting guidelines for terrestrial respirometry: Building openness, transparency of metabolic and evaporative water loss data. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 296, 111688 [Link]


  • Pottier P., Noble D. W. A., Seebacher F., Wu N. C., Burke S., Lagisz M., Schwanz L. E., Drobniak S. M., & Nakagawa S. (2024) New horizons for comparative studies and meta-analyses. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39, 435-445 [Link]



  • Downie A. T., Wu N. C., Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2023) Sub-lethal consequences of ultraviolet radiation exposure on vertebrates: synthesis through meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 29, 6620-6634 [Link]


  • Deme G. G., Wu N. C., Hao X., & Sun B. (2023)  Environmental seasonality and latitude drive clutch size diversity in female lizards across populations. Ecological Indicator, 154, 110490 [Link]


  • Wu N. C. (2023) Pathogen load predicts host functional disruption: A meta-analysis of an amphibian fungal panzootic. Functional Ecology, 37, 900-914 [Link]


  • Cheng C. T., Chuang M. F., Haramura T., Cheng C. B., Kim Y. I., Borzée A., Wu C. S., Chen Y. H., Jang Y., Wu N. C.*, & Kam Y. C. (2023) Open habitats increase vulnerability of amphibian tadpoles to climate warming. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 83-94. *Senior author. [Link]



  • Wu N. C., Rusli M. U., Broderick A. C., & Barneche D. R. (2022) Scaling of sea turtle reproduction may reconcile theory and conservation strategies at the global scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31, 1277-1289 [Link] [UWA press]


  • Yu X., Wu N. C., Ge L., Li L., Zhang Z., & Lei J. (2022) Artificial shelters provide suitable thermal habitat for a cold-blooded animal. Scientific Report, 12, 5879 [Link]


  • Wu N. C., & Seebacher F. (2022) Physiology can predict animal activity, exploration, and dispersal. Communications Biology, 5, 109 [Link] [Nature Portfolio]


  • Schwanz L. E., Gunderson, A., Iglesias-Carrasco M., Johnson M. A., Kong J. D., Riley J., & Wu N. C. (2022) Best practices for building and curating databases for comparative analyses. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225, jeb243295 [Link]


  • Wu N. C., Rubin A. M., & Seebacher F. (2022) Endocrine disruption from plastic pollution and warming interact to increase the energetic cost of growth in a fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289, 20212077 [Link] [The Guardian]



  • Lei J., Yusof N. S. B., Wu N. C., Zhang Z., & Booth D. T. (2021) The burrowing ecology of a tropical lizard (Leiolepis belliana). Herpetologica, 77, 37–44 [Link]


  • Wu N. C., & Seebacher F. (2021) Bisphenols alter thermal plasticity and performance in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Conservation Physiology, 9, coaa138 [Link] [Outside JEB]



  • Wu N. C., & Seebacher F. (2020) Effect of the plastic pollutant bisphenol A on the biology of aquatic organisms: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology26, 3821-3833 [Link


  • Grosell M., Heuer R. M., Wu N. C., Cramp R. L., Wang Y., Mager E. M., Dwyer R. G., & Franklin C. E. (2020) Salt-water acclimation of the estuarine crocodile Crocodylus porosus involves enhanced ion transport properties of the urodaeum and rectum. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, jeb210732 [Link



  • Wu N. C., McKercher C., Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2019) Mechanistic basis for the loss of water balance in green tree frogs infected with a fungal pathogen. American Journal of Physiology—Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 317, R301-R311 [Link] [Outside JEB]


  • Ohmer M. E. B., Cramp R. L., White C. R., Harlow P. S., McFadden M. S., Merino-Viteri A., Pessier A. P., Wu N. C., Bishop P. J., & Franklin C. E. (2019) Phylogenetic investigation of skin sloughing rates in frogs: relationships with skin characteristics and disease-driven declines. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286, 20182378 [Link] [Envirobites]


  • Wu N. C., Cramp R. L., Ohmer M. E. B., & Franklin C. E. (2019) Epidermal epidemic: unravelling the pathogenesis of chytridiomycosis. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222, jeb191817 [Link] [UQ News]


  • Gauberg J., Wu N. C., Cramp R. L., Kelly S. P., & Franklin C. E. (2019) A lethal fungal pathogen directly alters tight junction proteins in the skin of a susceptible amphibian. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222, jeb192245 [Link] [YFile]




  • Wu N. C., Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2018) Body size influences energetic and osmoregulatory costs in frogs infected with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Scientific Reports, 8, 3739 [Link]



  • Shu G., Gong Y., Xie F., Wu N. C., & Li C. (2017). Effects of long-term preservation on amphibian body conditions: implication on historical morphological research. PeerJ, 5, e3805 [Link]



  • Wu N. C., & Waas J. R. (2017). No evidence for across-population scent discrimination of cloacal gland secretions in tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). Journal of Herpetology, 51, 178-185 [Link]


2013 – 2016

  • Rusli M. U., Wu N. C., & Booth D. T. (2016). Tonic immobility in newly emerged sea turtle hatchlings. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 15, 143-147 [Link] [New Scientist]


  • Wu N. C.,  Alton L. A., Clemente C. J., Kearney M. R., & White C. R. (2015). Morphology and burrowing energetics of semi-fossorial skinks (Liopholis spp.). Journal of Experimental Biology, 218, 2416-2426 [Link]


  • Wu N. C., Górski K., & Daniel A. J. (2013). Abundance of larval native and non-native fishes in floodplain habitats of the lower Waikato River, New Zealand. Inland Waters, 3, 359-368 [Link




  • Leiva FP, ... Wu N C*, ...., Verberk WCEP. (2023). ShareTrait: a data portal for making trait data interoperable and reusable. Zenodo (v1.0.0). * listed 30th [Link]​




Books/Consultation reports/Magazine articles/Thesis


  • Valckenborgh F., & Wu N. C. (2020). Recent reptile surveys in the Sydney Olympic Park. In P. Figgis (Ed.), 20 years of healing: Delivering the ecological legacy of the Green Games, pp 214–223 [Link]


  • Wu N. C. (2019). The role of sloughing of the pathophysiology of chytridiomycosis in amphibians. The University of Queensland. [PhD thesis] [Link]


  • Wu N. C. (2017). Microsurgery training course. Society for Experimental Biology Magazine. [Link]


  • Wu N., Daniel A., & Tempero G. (2013). Fish biomass and gonad development in the Rotopiko (Serpentine) lakes. Client report prepared for Department of Conservation. Environmental Research Institute Report No. 20, The University of Waikato, Hamilton. 27 pp [PDF]




Conference presentations



  • Wu N. C. (2022) Pathogen load predicts host functional disruption. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Montpellier, France.


  • Wu N. C., Geiser F., Hufschmid J., Lumsden L., Martin J. M., Welbergen J. A., Willis C. K. R., & Turbill C. (2022) Vulnerability of Australian bats to white-nose syndrome — a catastrophic fungal disease. Australasian Bat Society Conference. Brisbane, Australia.


  • Wu N. C., Rubin, A. M., & Seebacher F. (2021) Endocrine disruptors and warming interact to impact the energetic cost of growth. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Virtual conference. 


  • Wu N. C., & Clemente C. J. (2020) How to lizards run bipedally? On the mechanisms for bipedal locomotion in Australian agamids. 9th World Congress of Herpetology. Dunedin, New Zealand.


  • Wu N. C., McKercher C., Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2018) Cutaneous disruption of water balance in frogs infected with a lethal pathogen. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Florence, Italy. [PDF]​


  • Wu N. C.*, Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2017). Chytridiomycosis alters cutaneous electrolyte transport during sloughing. 34rd Annual meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. Daintree Rainforest Observatory, Cape Tribulation, Australia. [PDF]


  • Wu N. C., Gauberg J., Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2017). Epidermal epidemic: effects of chytridiomycosis on amphibian epithelial transport during sloughing. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Gothenburg, Sweden. [PDF]​


  • Wu N. C., Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2016). Living with a leaky skin: upregulation of ion transport proteins during sloughing. 33rd Annual meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. Sydney, Australia. [PDF]


  • Wu N. C.*, Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2016). Cutaneous electrolyte transport during sloughing in amphibians. 8th World Congress of Herpetology. Hangzhou, China. [Website]​



  • Wu N. C., & Seebacher F. (2021) Plastic pollutant BPA causes widespread biological disruption for aquatic life. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Virtual conference.


  • Wu N. C.*, Cramp R. L., Ohmer M. E. B., & Franklin C. E. (2018) Unravelling the pathogenesis of chytridiomycosis. Joint Meeting of the Australian Society of Herpetologists and the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand. Kindilan, Australia.


  • Wu N. C. *, & Clemente C. J. (2018) Unravelling the mechanisms for the exploitation of bipedal locomotion among Australian agamid lizards. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Florence, Italy.  [PDF]​


  • Grosell M., Heuer R. M., Mager E. M., Wang Y., Wu N. C.*, Cramp R. L., & Franklin C. E. (2017). Role of the cloaca in salt and water balance in estuarine crocodiles. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Gothenburg, Sweden. *Presenter [PDF


  • Wu N. C., & Waas, J. R. (2016). No evidence for across-population scent discrimination in tuatara (Sphenodon). 8th World Congress of Herpetology. Hangzhou, China. [Website]


  • Wu N. C. (2013) Morphology and burrowing energetics of semi-fossorial skinks (Liopholis). UQ 2013 Undergraduate Research Conference Program. The University of Queensland, Australia.


  • Wu N. C., Górski K., & Daniel A. J. (2012). The role of floodplain habitats in recruitment of native & exotic fish. 2012 Summer Research Conference. The University of Waikato, New Zealand.


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